
We feel before we know.
The car bounced a little when I hit the post. “Shit.”
A quick glance and it looked like no one was around to notice. It was mid-morning, so the underground garage was full of cars but empty of people. I’d backed right into a concrete support.
I didn’t want to, but knew I had to; put the car in park and got out to see the damage. Yep, I took the paint right off the bumper. And, I felt the shame of it roll over me.
Getting back into the car, feeling the tightening in my shoulders relax a bit, a little clarity came to my thinking, and I realized, “it must be the stress.”
Stress. Too much to do. Too little time. Money tight. Things just not going the way we’d like.
It happens to everyone.
With the shock of backing my new car into a post subsiding and knowing that I was stressed to the gills, I realized I could begin to plan my way out of it. And I knew step one was getting some help.
That’s what we do at Mutual Mentors. We help each other by sharing our struggles and successes.
Join us this Saturday, 5/4, in Bellingham 10 to Noon.