Mutual Mentors

The next session will be held in September 2024. Sign up for email notifications below.

Help for creative professionals from fellow creatives.

Are you a creative professional? Do you wish for an increased or more stable income?

Mutual Mentors is a moderated group of creatives who exchange their experiences of success and struggle in their efforts to make an income. Sessions are held monthly on a Saturday, 10 AM to Noon, in a Bellingham home and cost $25. Sessions are limited to 10 people.

Subjects include getting and keeping clients, self-promotion, fee and salary negotiation, imposter syndrome, ageism, dealing with competition, and anything else that helps creatives.

If you are a professional creative filmmaker, designer, writer, marketer, or illustrator or work in or manage a creative service business or in-house department, these sessions will help you.

Sign up for my emails to be notified of upcoming Mutual Mentors sessions.

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