Find another way to help others, express our creativity, and make money

Ayah Kajouk is a designer using her creativity to create exactly that: another way forward.
As our Zoom unfolded, she reminded me what it’s like to winter in London:
“When I leave for work, it’s dark.
“On the Tube, faces are glum, clothing drab.
“When I return from work, it’s dark again.
“All the women in my office –– a giant investment bank –– wear dull, monotone, almost uniform-like office clothes. A palette that matches the weather and the commute.
“I love color! Where’s the color?”
Ayah has started Aya Varga, a women’s workwear clothing line full of color, to counter the gloom. Her day job is as a software engineer employed full-time in a vast, colorless (I don’t want to be too critical) London office.
Ayah reached out to me to backlink one of the posts on my site written by Allison Durazzi. Along with designing, making, and marketing her clothing line, she provides insights and guidance to women on managing their careers in male-dominated industries, based on her experience as a woman in the investment banking sector.
Ayah Kajouk is a beautiful example of a creative finding an independent way to exercise her creativity, help others and supplement her income along the way.
The world needs more Ayahs!