Mutual Mentors: The new biz stall

Mutual Mentors, Bellingham, 10 AM to Noon, Saturday, December 2, 2023
New Business: Why we resist taking action
I find myself hesitating, procrastinating, delaying, stalling and resisting acting when it comes to new business.
Always have.
I could do something, but I don’t.
I know what to do, but don’t do it.
Or worse, I go down some rabbit hole and waste a bunch of time.
Resisting action on things where I don’t know how it will turn out has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.
I now know this is a classic symptom of ADHD. And I have ADHD.
I also know that many creatives not only share my ADHD but they also struggle with taking action to gain new clients.
My solution? Workarounds. I’ve spent years creating workarounds to counter my tendency to procrastinate.
We’ll explore new business challenges, including our issues with procrastination in my Bellingham home, from 10 to Noon Saturday, December 2nd.
To attend, you need to be prepared to share a new business story of your own and $25. Limit ten people. Address provided when you register.
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